
Rabelaisian: Ra·​be·​lai·​sian | \ ˌra-bə-ˈlā-zhən  , -zē-ən.  adjective, of, relating to, or characteristic of Rabelais or his works. 2: marked by gross robust humor, extravagance of caricature, or bold naturalism.

François Rabelais was a French Renaissance writer, physician, Renaissance humanist, monk and Greek scholar. He is primarily known as a writer of satire, of the grotesque, and of bawdy jokes and songs.

Context: Ruth was shameless too, so blush not for him, and more amoral than immoral, so temper your head-shaking as this Rabelaisian overindulgence in food and sex. National Review, The Truth About Ruth, by Nicholas Frankovich, Feb. 11, 2019, p42


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