
Word of the day: transmogrify

Context: But conflicts that do not end always transmogrify and the war on terror 2015 is not that of 32001, much less that of 1979.

Source: National Review; p 21; December 7, 2018; The Islamic War, by Victor Davis Hawson.

Transmogrify: trans·mog·ri·fy,/transˈmäɡrəˌfī,tranzˈmäɡrəˌfī/, verb, humorous,verb: transmogrify; 3rd person present: transmogrifies; past tense: transmogrified; past participle: transmogrified; gerund or present participle: transmogrifying. transform in a surprising or magical manner.
Transmogrify definition, to change in appearance or form, especially strangely or grotesquely; transform.


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