
Word of the day: Oeurve

Context: In this view, the transformation and revitalization oa a culture into something more fitting to our human endowments is the principal task facing conservatives and conservatism, and Russell Kir's oeuvre needs to be rean in the lng , an not as guidebook .....

Source: National Review; p 43. Dec. 7,2015; Rediscovering Kirk, by Wilfred McClay.

Oeurve:  oeu·vre, /ˈəvrə,ˈo͞ovrə/,  noun: oeuvre; plural noun: oeuvres, the works of a painter, composer, or author regarded collectively. "the complete oeuvre of Mozart."
Comment: I came across this word in the above context about three months ago when I started the process of  looking up every word I could not define.  It is somewhat astonishing that at the time I did not know this word because I have since encounters it perhaps a dozen times. I had probably encountered it hundreds of times before looking it up and it never registered with me.


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