
Word of the day: jabots

Context: In 2014, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg introduced Datie Couric, and America, to her extensive collection of courtroom jabots.

Source: Vanity Fair, October 2018, p 78.

Jabots: ja·bot, /ZHaˈbō,ˈZHaˌbō/, noun, plural noun: jabots, an ornamental frill or ruffle on the front of a shirt or blouse, typically made of lace.

Comment: In context, the next sentence in this article explains the term. It reads, "Ginsberg had adopted these collars and ruffs early in her Supreme Court tensure as a feminine alternative to the button-downs and neckties  visible...."  There was also a picture of Justce Ginsberg wearing a jabot, so the article adequately explained the term.


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