
Word: Scabrous

Context: For the two decades that he edited the scabrous and insightful U. K. -based web magazine Spiked, Brendan O' Neil, an occasional Reason contributor has described himself- perhaps with a wee bit of provocation - as a "libertarian Marxist."

Source: Reason, May 2019, p 12. The Populist Temptation, by Matt Welch.

Scabrous: scab·rous, /ˈskabrəs/, adjective, 1. rough and covered with, or as if with, scabs. 2. indecent; salacious.

Comment: There are some words that I feel I should know and that I am embarrassed to admit that I don't and this is one of them. I know I have seen this word used before. I am not unfamiliar with it but  could not define it.


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