
Word: Irenicism

Context: In hindsight, one can condemn the brutality that marked the Spanish conquest of the Americas as well as the colonial subjugation of other peoples, but the task o f assigning degrees of guilt to specific persons, states, and institution that were involved requires careful sifting of historical evidence, none of which points to the modern parliamentary democracy that is Spain in 2019 or to the present-day Catholic Church, which on question of international conflict is committed to principles of irenicism.

Source: National Review; April 22, 2019; p 11.

Irenicism: ireni·​cism. Irenicism in Christian theology refers to attempts to unify Christian apologetical systems by using reason as an essential attribute. The word is derived from the Greek word ειρήνη meaning peace. It is a concept related to natural theology and opposed to polemicism being rooted in the ideals of pacifism. The promotion and support of peace and conciliation.


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