
Showing posts from July, 2019


Context: But, in the end, nothing much happens; the two mainly talk--a verisimilitude that I appreciated rather more than the narrator's superfluous analysis of why they mainly talk. Source: The New Yorker; Feb. 4, 2019; p.64; Search Party , by James Wood. Verisimilitude: ver·i·si·mil·i·tude [ˌvərəsəˈmiləˌt(y)o͞od] NOUN, the appearance of being true or real.


Context: Instead he emphasized the anodyne concept of "unity." Source: National Review; Feb. 25, 2019; p. 28; Everyone a Conscript, by Jonah Goldberg. Anodyne: an·o·dyne [ˈanəˌdīn] ADJECTIVE not likely to provoke dissent or offense; inoffensive, often deliberately so. "anodyne New Age music." NOUN a painkilling drug or medicine.